More Works
Art Classes for California Prisoners

“Jim Draws” (2020) episodes 1 & 2 shot and edited by Mic Dahl
Due to COVID-19 California prisoners had art classes over pre-recorded video instead of in-person teaching funded by the Muckenthaler Cultural Center in Fullerton. The classes covered art topics about perspective, understanding form, and drawing tips in general.
Emma and the Bright Souls

“To Love” by Emma and The Bright Souls edit and VFX by Mic Dahl (2020)

“To Love” by Emma and The Bright Souls edit and VFX by Mic Dahl (2020)

“Who I Am” by Emma and The Bright Souls edited by Mic Dahl (2020)
College Works

“Distance to The Carrot” (2016) animated/writ./dir. by Mic Dahl

“Money Shot” (2016) dir./writ./edit by Mic Dahl

“The Art of Sacrifice” (2017) dir./writ./edit by Mic Dahl
© 2024 Mic Dahl Productions